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منتديات رجال الاعمال


 Study of the Organization "UNESCO": mobile and effective way to literacy

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرف العام
مشرف العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 7404
تاريخ الميلاد : 26/06/1990
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/12/2009
العمر : 34

Study of the Organization "UNESCO": mobile and effective way to literacy Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Study of the Organization "UNESCO": mobile and effective way to literacy   Study of the Organization "UNESCO": mobile and effective way to literacy Emptyالأربعاء أبريل 23, 2014 9:09 pm

Study of the Organization "UNESCO": mobile and effective way to literacy African-using-mobile

A recent study on the effectiveness of the use of mobile phones , whether regular or smart in literacy and encourage reading among citizens , especially in developing countries with high rate of ignorance and illiteracy .

The study , carried out by the United Nations Organization for Education , Science and Culture " UNESCO " , that mobile phones have contributed to solving a major problem was the cause of illiteracy in developing countries , a scarcity of books .

UNESCO said in the introduction to the study , " Mobile phones can help people in developing countries to create opportunities for better living through them develop their skills thanks to reading and writing ."

The study found an increase of appetite for reading using mobile phones in developing countries , where he confirmed more than 62 % of those surveyed by UNESCO they enjoy reading more after exercise through their mobile devices .

The girl study findings on more than 4 thousand poll of citizens in seven developing countries , are Ethiopia, Ghana, India , Kenya, Nigeria , Pakistan, and Zimbabwe , where the average rate of illiteracy among adults 34% , and among children by 20%.

The study indicated that mobile UNESCO to help in literacy among children dramatically, where a third of respondents said they use their phones to read to the children , while another third expressed their willingness to teach their children using mobile if there books or apps easy and kid-friendly .

The study added that the phones can also help in the promotion of literacy and reading skills among women , where he found that women devote more time to read over the phone , an average of 227 minutes per month , compared to men ( 33 minutes) .

The rate of female adults who can not read or write to two-thirds of illiterate people in the world , and the latest studies indicate that the world today has some 770 million adults suffer from illiteracy , and increase the percentage of presence of these people in poor countries .

The study stressed that the availability of broadband services " broadband " will help with the phones in literacy thousands of human beings , especially with the low cost of downloading e-books, which range from 2 to 3 cents per book of 1000 pages .

The United Nations had been spotted growing in the provision of broadband in developing countries , a growth that coincides with the rise in the number of mobile phones in the world as a whole , where the organization estimated that the 6 billion inhabitants of the world's population owns a mobile phone and at least one , with reference to the census that the current world population exceeds 7 billion people, multimillion .
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Study of the Organization "UNESCO": mobile and effective way to literacy
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