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منتديات رجال الاعمال


  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: How to Win Chess in 2 Moves     How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Emptyالثلاثاء يوليو 19, 2011 9:30 pm

Anyone who has been playing Chess will know that winning a game of Chess in 2
moves (2 moves from each player) is never a serious option - no average player
in their right minds will ever fall into such an absurd trap.

In my
experience of chess, I've always observed that what moves diagonally gets the
better positions on the board at the start of the game. This can be used to
defeat your opponent if he/she remains slow to open up or oblivious to your
movements. It is this that brings us to the concept of putting a checkmate with
the least amount of moves possible, and it has been deduced that the number is
two. Which means that with just two of your moves, you can own a game of Chess.
This set of moves is also called as the "Fool's Mate". I should think it's
called so because for pulling it off successfully, you either face someone who
has never played the game, or the game you're playing is fixed. Anyone who has
played chess will tell you that it's foolhardy to expose your White King
diagonally on the first moves of the game when your opponent (Black) starts to
release the bishop or the queen, or even if you do so, get that open spot at
least covered, even if it's with your Queen. That said, even if the Fool's Mate
is ridiculous, it does indeed exist. I explain how.

  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Fools-mate-in-chess

  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Fools-mate-move-1White moves first as per game rules (and in this case, loses).
the white pawn ahead of the right-hand side knight (according to
point of view) by two places. The idea is to diagonally expose your

king as soon as possible.

  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Fools-mate-move-2Black follows White and exposes his/her own king, but not

diagonally, by moving the pawn ahead of the king forward . Doesn't

matter if you move it by one or two spaces, but if you're actually

thinking of pulling this off in a real game, showing a little
to deter White and move two spaces forward might just do the
What you're actually doing is getting your queen free to move towards

the left (according to Black's point of view). This should be where

White realizes that his/her next move will decide whether, and where
Black queen moves. But since we are getting to know the Fool's Mate,

White's next move will be the last.

  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Fools-mate-move-3The final nail in White's coffin, you would have to be a genuine

Novice to do this, or under the influence. Moving the pawn ahead of the

White bishop by a space or two (will not matter as White loses) totally

exposes the White king.

  How to Win Chess in 2 Moves Fools-mateAll Black has to do now is move the queen diagonally and check
White king. Notice that the White player has absolutely no piece he/she

can use to intercept the Black queen. Neither can White move the king

out of the Black queen's sight. With no logical move to make, White

loses due to checkmate.

And there you have
it! The Fool's Mate, like I said, can only be used
against a fool. Don't
expect White to retaliate by moving the pawns like
this. That said, it sure
is fun watching the face of someone who just
lost like

Arun Prabhu
Source: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-win-chess-in2-moves.html
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