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منتديات رجال الاعمال


  Website Vs. Blog - What to Choose

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

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مُساهمةموضوع: Website Vs. Blog - What to Choose    Website Vs. Blog - What to Choose Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 23, 2011 2:21 pm

 Website Vs. Blog - What to Choose 563978-5949-39

are essentially websites. Both can help you earn money. Both can be
used as personal diaries for the world to read. So what's the big
difference between a website and a blog? All we know right now is that
everybody's using it. Find out what sets them apart.

If it's a quick answer that you're looking for, then a blog is actually a
non-static (dynamic) website that you can use without much or even any
knowledge of programming, making it easy to use and regularly update. A
blog concentrates on ease for the blog-maker, and the ability for
viewers to comment, making a blog more interactive. Everything is done
online and you don't need to start up a server or even hire a server
farm to keep your blog running. It's free and without obligation. A
website is a static port where users come primarily to browse
information. The interaction done on a website is mostly for commercial
or business purposes, like buying an album or auctioning off a
second-hand bike.

Website or Blog: Making the Right Choice

The complications in understanding manifest when you see websites that
include forums and blogs that look so much like websites. The thing is,
both are still pages on the Internet, used for a multitude of purposes,
but mostly for earning money and trading. Follow the table given to
learn more on the differences that, no matter how minor, eventually will
affect your decision in the long run.

Websites Vs. Blogs
Blogs AttackSetting up a blog
is way faster and easier. You potentially start earning the moment you
get done with the start up process, with good content comes good income.
Websites take a longer time to get started, mostly
because of the page building process. They also require money to start
up and to maintain, while blogs remain free to a certain extent. If you
are serious about blogging as a source of income, you need to put some
money into it too.
Websites Defend
A blog is a basic Content Management System (CMS), rather your
Content Management. You can go and update your blog anytime you want
to, no hassles with any technician anywhere. You only need knowledge of
operating WordPress, which, by my belief, is doable by anyone's
A website does basically belong to you, but there can
be problems whenever you want to update it. If you have a contract with
a server farm, you will have to follow their guidelines.
Blogs dominate Google searches because they
are rich in content, which is what Google loves. So blogs are always on
page 1, the rest everywhere else.
Not true. This is a myth that may feel true to you only because there have been a lot
of blogs popping up from all around the globe, much faster than a
website can. But that doesn't mean websites are weak. It is a common
misconception to say that since Google likes to chew on rich words, they
place blogs above websites. Well, content is the creation of the maker,
not the site or blog. Try some test searches for random stuff and
you'll see that blogs aren't popular everywhere.
Blogs get tons of functional themes that you
can change anytime you want. Blogs also get all the plugins in the
world at the click of the mouse.
A website may be placed on someone else's server,
but it's yours to create and change. It's all in the coding, and if
you're good at it, you can make your site shine without any prescribed
themes. The only place websites are weaker is large scale content
modification. You pretty much have to strip down the site and build it
up again if you need to make some major makeover.
Websites AttackIf you need to put up content that isn't words as
much as it's pictures, software and forums, websites win. They are much
more flexible to accommodate the above three aspects and ones similar to
Blogs don't have so much flexibility on that part. If
you need intensive design ideas to be put up, with long and complicated
descriptions of them in pop-up panels or something like that, blogs
pretty much fail. Blogs are, however, much more adept at content
modification than websites.
Blogs Defend
Websites are much more stable than blogs.
Content that's created on the website, stays there and keeps generating
steady income for any trade or web traffic that comes your way. In fact,
a website starts to get more hits if it stands up for some years,
eventually starting to climb up the Google search ladder. There can be
seen many websites that have started out in 2002 and 2003 that are still
on page 1, whereas blogs have only been in the business since around
2005 and 2006.
Blogs do need content to run on. If you stop
supplying content to it, your income pretty much stops. If you supply
crappy content to your site just to keep it going, you'll get lower hits
and consequently, lower income. It's hard for something like this to
compete with websites that have solid content and that dominate search
Websites are better for all marketing
purposes. Product display, manufacturing process, price tags and
discounts, distributor details are some of the things that are easier
shown on a website than a blog.
Yes, it is hard to do something like this on blogs, where you need a constant source of information to keep updating.

This should help you decide what you want now. In my opinion, stick to
blogs if your content is personal or social. Use a website for all
business purposes and also if you want the page to last in the long run.
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Website Vs. Blog - What to Choose
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