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منتديات رجال الاعمال
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منتديات رجال الاعمال


  The Internet Today

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

 The Internet Today Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Internet Today    The Internet Today Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 23, 2011 2:28 pm

 The Internet Today 564236-56312-40

internet has come a long way from when it was released somewhat 20
years ago. The internet is now used for uses which would be unimaginable
only a few years ago. The internet is now a way of life for some

Today is the era of technology and computers, the
internet is one of most important things that are necessary to live. A
long time back, some twenty years, internet was used by only handful of
people. It was a very costly affair and the computers were very bulky.
There used to be a 5MB hard drive double the size of the washing machine
that we use today. Just imagine how things have changed in these 20
years. Now, a small chip can store GB’s of data. Internet was not very
common. Twenty years back, internet was used by a small minority of
people, it was very expensive and it was the time when e-mail and www
were just launched, then gradually people started learning about
computers and Internet.

Today, we can see so much of change.
Internet has developed in such a way that it has transformed the life of
people. Talk of anything you can do it with the help of internet, be it
communication, entertainment, news, sports, business, education,
shopping and information of anything and everything. If we talk of them
one by one, we will see that how things have become easy and we can do
any task in just seconds or may be fraction of seconds. World is here on
your fingertips always.

When we talk about communication, we
know a long time back, we used to write letters, then post them and then
after a couple of days it used to reach the other person, then they
used to write and same process used to happen, it was time and money
consuming and there was no surety that whether the important mail will
reach or not. But, with the help of Internet, one can mail the other
person and within minutes they get the reply back, they don’t have to
pay and the time is saved.

Then, talk of entertainment; one can
see movies, songs on YouTube, YouTube has almost everything. One can
learn cooking on the same; one can learn dancing and one can watch their
favorite songs, and earlier people used to bring the DVD, used to pay
for them and had to go to the market for the same. One can see news on
the internet, when the cable is not working or when due to rain, the
dish TV also gives trouble. Earlier, one had to wait for morning or some
fixed hours to know the news, but now it is 24into7. If you miss news,
you can catch up with the same on the internet at any time. Internet has
helped in the field of business also, earlier it used to be face to
face interactions and the reach was very limited, but now you can reach
the whole world with your idea and product and as per the market, you
can export the goods or open your office in another country. It is great
for growth in business.

Earlier, people used to go to school and
the only way for getting a degree was going to the college, but now
people who can’t afford schools or colleges, they work and with that
they study online and enroll themselves for the online courses, they
work and study and grow and the best part is that many can afford to
study now, as they work and earn. People also find so many jobs on the
Internet, they can sit back at home and can earn. In recession, they
really don’t have to worry about the expenses, as they are working
online and they have a source of earning. One can do plenty of shopping
online and can have the goods delivered at home and also they can find
information of almost anything and everything. It works like an
encyclopedia too.
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