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منتديات رجال الاعمال ترحب بالسادة الزائرين ونرجو ان تسعدو بالمنتدى
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منتديات رجال الاعمال


  List of Foods to Avoid While Wearing Braces

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

 List of Foods to Avoid While Wearing Braces Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: List of Foods to Avoid While Wearing Braces    List of Foods to Avoid While Wearing Braces Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 23, 2011 3:00 pm

 List of Foods to Avoid While Wearing Braces 563376-4303-15

you get braces, eating certain foods may damage them. You will need to
modify your diet if you want to take care of your braces. This article
will prove helpful if you want to know what all foods you should avoid
eating if you have braces.

Dental braces are used to straighten
your teeth and rectify crooked teeth and other tooth and jaw defects. It
is important to take care of braces and maintain hygiene for good
dental health. If food remains in and around the braces, it can lead to
the formation of plaque and tooth decay. Brushing and flossing after
every meal will help to get rid of any food particles lodged between the
teeth and braces. More importantly, what you eat and do not eat will
directly affect the condition of your teeth. Eating certain foods can be
harmful because they can bend or break the wires and even displace the
brackets. If that occurs, it warrants a visit to your
dentist/orthodontist, which is expensive and can even delay the
treatment. The most obvious foods to avoid are very hard foods and foods
that are sweet and sticky.

Foods to be Avoided while Wearing Braces

Hard Foods

Nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts)
Hard rolls
Raw veggies like carrots and celery
Corn on the cob
Hard cookies
Baby back ribs
Chicken wings
Hard pizza crust
Beef jerky
Tacos and tortilla chips

above mentioned foods should be strictly avoided. It's difficult to
break and chew these foods, and they can even break the braces. Avoid
them especially after you have had the braces' wires changed, since
teeth are the most tender at this stage. Fruits are an essential part of
a balanced diet, so if you want to eat apples, pears, and peaches, or
other crunchy fruits, do not directly bite into them. Instead cut them
into bite-size pieces before consuming. If you like nuts, grind them and
add them to cereals and yogurt. Remove the meat from wings and ribs so
you do not accidentally chew on a bone and pop your bracket! If you
absolutely love corn, remove the kernels from the cob and have them. You
can eat broccoli provided you cut it into florets and steam it. Do not
eat hard candies and lollipops. Can't resist cookies? Dip them in milk
and eat them when they soften. Do not have ice cubes at all as it can
damage the braces. You can suck on them, but never bite them!

Sweet, Sugary, and Sticky Foods

Caramel candies
Chocolate-covered nuts
Fruit rolls
Chewing gum

foods are the most dangerous, they can get stuck to your teeth and
braces, and can even result in the braces getting pulled off. Sugary
foods, as the name implies, are high in sugar, and their consumption can
lead to tooth decay. If at all you have candies, have the ones you can
suck on, and afterwards, rinse your mouth to avoid sugar buildup on the
teeth. Totally avoid chewing gum. Stuck gum on the braces can be messy
and difficult to clean. It can also loosen the wires and brackets and
cause them to come off.

Foods High in Acid

Citrus fruits like lemons and limes
Sodas and carbonated beverages

highly acidic foods should be avoided at all costs. These foods can
cause thinning of the enamel and discoloration of teeth. Once you remove
the braces, the color difference between the teeth, where the braces
were, will be quite obvious.

Additionally, never chew on things
like pens, pencils, pen caps, and fingernails. Do not even try to tear
or rip open anything by your teeth. This can cause extensive damage to
the braces.

Let us concentrate on the foods you can and should
consume. Include steamed and cooked vegetables in your diet. Eat fruits
that are cut into pieces, which can be easily chewed by the back teeth.
Eat whole grains. Pastas, breads, and rice should be eaten since they
contain nutrients like iron, fiber, and folic acid that are essential
for the body. Drink unsweetened juices. And most importantly, include
dairy products since they are one of the richest sources of calcium and
vitamin D, that are crucial for healthy teeth and bones. Make milk,
cheese, and yogurt (preferably low-fat) a part of your daily diet. Be
careful with soft cheese though, it might stick between the braces.

a wise choice based on the above list of foods, now that you are aware
what foods are good and what should not be consumed. Your meals need not
be boring. Spice things up by trying new recipes that will not prove
harmful for the braces. Take care of your braces and maintain oral
hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, especially after every meal.
Make sure that you eat a variety of healthy foods while undergoing
orthodontic treatment for braces. And, it won't be long before the
braces set things straight and you regain that attractive smile
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List of Foods to Avoid While Wearing Braces
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