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منتديات رجال الاعمال


  What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean?

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

 What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean? Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean?    What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean? Emptyالخميس يناير 12, 2012 3:07 pm

 What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean? 573709-34618-54

does it mean, when you see 'No Bootable Device Found' on the screen?
That's the question I've answered through this Buzzle article. Skim
through the article, to identify the root of this computer problem and
some of the possible solutions.

'No bootable device' - says the
ominous message displayed on-screen and you are bewildered, what it's
supposed to mean. Like we don't worry about how a car works, when
driving it, so are we unaware of the inner working of a computer, while
using it. However, when breakdowns occur, such cryptic messages are
displayed and there are no professionals to help us out, we are forced
to peep into the computer's inner universe to get it back to its working
ways. Let us attack the question of what does 'No bootable device
found' mean, right away.

'No Bootable Device' - What Does it Mean and How to Fix It?

computer has an inbuilt software, independent of the operating system,
which loads or 'boots' it into operation. It's known as 'BIOS (Basic
Input Output System)'. The message 'No Bootable device - Insert Boot
Disc and Press any Key' or 'No Boot Device Available' is displayed by
BIOS, when it cannot find an operating system to load from any storage
medium on the PC. 'Booting' is the actual loading of the operating
system, executed by BIOS. A 'Boot Device' is the storage medium like a
floppy disk, hard drive, CD, DVD or a USB flash drive in some cases,
which holds the installed operating system files. If that device is not
located or the operating system has issues, the aforementioned error
message is displayed. Ensure that the default booting option in BIOS is
set to be the hard drive or whichever booting device is in use. Here are
three of the possible causes, that may lead to this kind of an error.

Operating System File Corruption
most likely cause of BIOS not being able to detect a booting device is
the crashing of installed operating system on the hard drive. Due to a
virus attack, accidental deletion of system files or accidental
compression of the system drive, an operating system's existing working
installation may get disrupted. That's the reason, on startup, the
operating system can't be detected and you get the message.

to fix it: The only way out is to load the recovery disc or CD of your
operating system in your computer's optical drive and run a complete
reinstallation or repair. The data on the system volume will be
completely erased, but those on the other volumes might be retrieved.
Since you are reinstalling your operating system again, you might as
well update it with the most recent version available!

Hard Drive Disconnected
rare cases, it may happen that BIOS is unable to detect the hard drive
as a bootable device, because it may have been physically disconnected
from the motherboard. This may happen if the system has suffered from a
fall or physical shock. To check if this is indeed the problem, enter
BIOS setup by pressing the appropriate key (F1, F2 or any other) during

How to fix it: In this case, you may have to open up
your desktop computer's cabinet and check, if the connecting cable from
the motherboard has disconnected from the hard drive. If it is indeed
so, restoring the connection should solve your problem. Even if it's a
laptop, you will have to do the same. If your laptop or desktop computer
warranty is not yet void, it's better not to take matters in your own
hands and let professionals handle it.

Hard Drive Crash
physical damage of the hard drive or creation of bad sectors may be the
reason for the error being displayed. Electrical fluctuations, dust
accumulation and physical shocks may be the causes behind this
disruption. Since the hard drive is damaged, it may not be detected by
BIOS, leading to a booting problem.

How to fix it: In this case,
you may have to replace the hard drive altogether. The damaged hard
drive will have to be tested for bad sectors. It may be salvaged back
for use as a secondary storage medium, if the damage isn't extensive.

neither of the above suggestions work out for you, it's best to call in
the experts. At least, you have the satisfaction of having tried! Also,
it is not advisable, that you open up the PC and tinker around on your
own, when you still have a warranty from the manufacturer. If the
warranty period isn't over, let manufacturer's repair department handle
the job. In that case, you won't have to pay. The most likely reason for
a 'No Bootable Device Found' message cropping up, is an operating
system problem, brought upon by a virus or tampering of system files. In
most cases, you will have to go for a complete reinstallation of the
operating system. To avoid such instances in the future, it's
recommended that you install an antivirus software, that can effectively
prevent such virus induced system crashes
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What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean?
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