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منتديات رجال الاعمال


 American Breakfast 2012

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

American Breakfast 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: American Breakfast 2012   American Breakfast 2012 Emptyالأحد فبراير 05, 2012 8:58 pm

American Breakfast 2012 American-breakfast

typical American breakfast menu will vary from one part of the country
to another. However, on a general note, an typical American breakfast
comprises eggs, bacon, cereal, baked foods like donuts, muffins, etc.
washed down with some coffee, milk or juice.

Breakfast is the
most important meal of the day and there is no second thought about
that! People across the globe in different cities, nations and
continents have different breakfast menus. Depending on the locally
produced crops, the vegetables and produce available in the land, the
menu is mostly shaped. As far as the United States is concerned, a
typical American breakfast would comprise mainly of hot fuel foods,
which means they are foods high in carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral

American Breakfast Menu

It's very difficult to
zero in on the list of traditional American breakfast foods, however, we
have tried to compile some of the commonly had breakfast foods below.

Scrambled Eggs
Fried Eggs
Deviled Eggs
French Toast
Orange Juice
Hot Chocolate
Hash Browns
Potato Salad
Toast (with jam, jelly or peanut butter)

full North American breakfast would comprise eggs, a breakfast meat
that would either be bacon, ham, scrapple, steak or sausages, a form of
potato like hash browns or fries, toast or baked foods like muffins or
bagels, a fruit and coffee. Orange juice is also seen to be consumed a
lot, instead of coffee. In South America, breakfast is mostly light,
with just a sandwich washed down with coffee or juice. However, they do
have their share of heavy breakfast that is called 'big breakfast' or
'Sunday breakfast'. They tend to replace a few above items by pancakes,
biscuits, cinnamon rolls, sweet pastries, grits, etc.

Some Typical American Breakfast Recipes

food items like sausages, ham, bacon, etc. are mostly ready to eat,
with the only preparation being to fry them. Moreover, muffins, bagels,
donuts, etc. are store-bought breakfast foods. Thus, we will look at
three American breakfast foods that involve some cooking. Let us have a
look at their recipes.

American Breakfast 2012 Pancake2

Pancake Recipe
known as flapjacks, griddlecakes or hotcakes in the US, pancakes are
popular breakfast foods in the US. The first pancakes are believed to be
eaten by the ancient Romans. It was first adapted by the French from
China and Nepal by crusaders in the 12th century. The Americans then
took the recipe from them and began preparing them. The pancakes can be
prepared sweet or savory depending on the extra ingredient added to them
like fruits, bacon, cheese, etc. Let's have a look at the recipe:


225g all-purpose flour
2 eggs, beaten
300 ml milk
30 g butter (melted and cooled)
1 tbs baking powder
1 tsp sugar
Pinch of salt

Preparation Procedure

a mixing bowl, add the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt and make a
well in its center. Pour in the milk, beaten eggs, milk and melted
butter in the well and mix well, till a smooth batter like consistency
is obtained. Since it's more convenient to pour the batter onto the pan
(than spoon it) while frying it, transfer the batter into a jug. Allow
the batter to sit for 20- 30 minutes before making the pancakes.

the pan on the burner and pour in some batter in the shape of a circle.
When the side facing you begins to bubble and blister, flip the
pancake. Cook for a minute and then serve after drizzling some glorious
golden honey or maple syrup on it. Adding some melted chocolate into the
batter will give you lovely chocolate pancakes. Adding fresh or thawed
blueberries into the batter will result in gorgeous blueberry pancakes.
Various additions can be made to the above-mentioned pancake mix, to get
a customized pancake.

American Breakfast 2012 French-toast

French Toast Recipe
and where the genesis of French toast took place we do not know.
However, when we can eat those lovely 'eggy breads', who is interested
in its origin?


2 slices of white bread
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp sugar
¾ cup milk
1½ tsp cinnamon
Unsalted butter
Pinch of salt

Preparation Procedure

the egg, milk, cinnamon, vanilla and sugar together until the mixture
is light and frothy. Place a skillet on the stove and let it warm up.
Dunk the bread slice into the frothy egg mixture and allow it to
completely soak the egg mixture. Add some butter to the hot pan and
place the egg-soaked slice of bread onto the pan. Flip after a minute.
Fry till both sides are golden brown and serve with any syrup of your

American Breakfast 2012 Hash-brown

Hash Brown Recipe
browns are typical American breakfast food items seen in North America.
They are often fried on a griddle or large common cooktops. They are
mostly served along with steak during breakfast.


3 potatoes (peeled)
1½ onion (finely chopped)
3 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Procedure

a grater, grate the peeled potatoes. Wash the potato shreds in some
water and drain the water. Using a dry, clean towel, pat the grated
potato dry. You can use a potato ricer to remove the moisture and give a
crispier texture. Place these shreds into a mixing bowl and add the
chopped onions, olive oil, salt and pepper and mix well. Take a skillet
and add some butter into it. Dollop this mixture into it. Using a
spatula, separate the potato shreds into four sections and fry till the
potato becomes golden brown.

These were just three odd recipes of
the vast array of American breakfast food items. People in the United
States have more of coffee than tea in their meals, and mostly they have
coffee all throughout the day. Moreover, the younger generation is seen
to even have cold pizzas and left-over spaghetti for breakfast. So the
trends are changing! Then again, many are getting health conscious and
are sticking to fresh fruit cups and smoothies for breakfast to avoid
all the extra calorie intake from baked and sweet food items.
By Priya Johnson
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American Breakfast 2012
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