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منتديات رجال الاعمال


  Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

 Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women    Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women Emptyالجمعة فبراير 17, 2012 6:19 pm

 Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women 440177-43326-13

blood sugar levels for women is 70 to 140 mg/dL, when blood sugar is
measured randomly at any time of the day. However, the normal level of
blood sugar can be different when it is measured after fasting. Read on
to know more about the normal blood sugar levels.

The term blood
sugar level refers to the amount of glucose, which is a type of sugar
present in the bloodstream. Glucose is the main source of energy and is
derived from carbohydrates. Whenever we eat carbohydrate foods, they are
broken down or metabolized into simple sugar molecules, known as
glucose. From the bloodstream, glucose enters the body cells and
tissues. This process is facilitated by the hormone insulin, secreted by
the beta cells of the pancreas. Whenever we eat food, the level of
glucose in blood rises, which in turn stimulates the pancreas to release
insulin. Insulin then enables the cells and tissues of the body to
absorb glucose from the bloodstream. As a result, the level of blood
sugar drops down to the normal level. In this way, the level of blood
sugar is maintained at a normal range. Let's find out the normal blood
sugar levels for women in the following paragraphs of this article.

What are the Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women?

level of blood sugar can fluctuate to an extent throughout the day. As
has been mentioned already, the blood sugar levels rise after meals.
Normally, the level of blood sugar is lower in the morning, and then
rises after meals. Therefore, more than one test is used to measure the
level of blood sugar in both men and women. In general, the normal blood
sugar range is 70 to 140 mg/dL. The normal blood sugar levels for women
after eating can be around 135 to 140 mg/dL. Sometimes, the level can
go up to 180 mg/dL within one hour from the time of eating a meal.

sugar levels are measured in two ways, either randomly throughout the
day or after fasting. The range of normal blood sugar levels, when
measured randomly throughout the day is 70 to 140 mg/dL. On the other
hand, the normal fasting blood sugar levels for women are 70 to 100
mg/dL. The fasting blood sugar level is measured after fasting for at
least eight hours. To measure this blood sugar level, an individual is
required not to eat or drink anything (except water) for at least 8

The level of blood sugar can rise slightly above the
normal level for about one or two hours after eating a meal. Usually, a
test known as 2-hour postprandial blood sugar test is used to measure
the normal blood sugar levels two hours after eating a meal. The normal
result for this test is 70 to 145 mg/dL. Another test for measuring
blood sugar level is the oral glucose tolerance test. To perform this
test, an individual is required to fast for a few hours, after which he
or she is given a sugar solution to drink. After an hour a blood test is
performed, which is then repeated after an hour or two. The values
below 140 mg/dL are considered as the normal values for this test.

What do the Results of Blood Sugar Tests Mean?

sugar levels can be affected by many factors, which can vary from one
individual to another. Therefore, only a certified physician has the
knowledge and expertise to interpret the results of various blood sugar
tests. As we know, the normal blood sugar levels for the random blood
sugar test should fall between 70 to 140m/dL. If the level of blood
sugar is below 70 mg/dL, then it is normally referred to as hypoglycemia
or low blood sugar, while a value higher than 140 mg/dL is considered
as suggestive of hyperglycemia. As the random blood sugar test checks
glucose levels throughout the day, the results can vary, but a large
variation may indicate a problem.

On the other hand, the normal
blood sugar levels for women in the fasting blood sugar test are 70 to
100 mg/dL. A high value up to 125 mg/dL is considered to indicate
prediabetes, while a value higher than 125 mg/dL is suggestive of type 1
or type 2 diabetes. For oral glucose intolerance test, the normal
glucose levels are less than 140 mg/dL. If the levels are in the range
of 140 to 199 mg/dL, then it may suggest prediabetes, while levels above
200mg/dL can indicate diabetes.

So, this is all about normal
blood sugar levels for women. The normal range for blood sugar is
usually same for both men and women. While interpreting the results of
various blood sugar tests, it should be kept in mind that a single
abnormal reading may not indicate diabetes or other conditions, which
are characterized by abnormal increase or decrease in the level of blood
sugar. Sometimes, certain factors can affect the level of blood sugar
in women and men. Factors like age, health condition, use of certain
medications, or alcohol use can affect the results of various blood
sugar tests. Therefore, before coming to any conclusion, it is advisable
to get the results properly evaluated by a physician.
By Chandramita Bora
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