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    منتديات رجال الاعمال


      How to Plan a Road Trip with Children

    اذهب الى الأسفل 
    كاتب الموضوعرسالة
    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
    تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
    العمر : 53

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    مُساهمةموضوع: How to Plan a Road Trip with Children    How to Plan a Road Trip with Children Emptyالخميس مارس 08, 2012 3:12 pm

     How to Plan a Road Trip with Children 581655-605-9

    trips are a fun way to show your kids the country, but it can be a
    hassle having them in the car for that long. Try some of these tips to
    keep your children happy.

    The winter is almost over, and spring
    break is upon us. If you’re thinking about taking your family for a fun
    vacation this spring or summer, consider a road trip. Road trips are
    great for children because they’ll see more of our great country than
    they would in a plane. It’s also fun to stop at different landmarks on
    the way, not only to see the great stuff our country has to offer, but
    also to stretch your legs and stop and smell the roses. Family time is
    irreplaceable, so take your time getting to where you’re going. However,
    with any long trip, there is a chance that kids might get restless. If
    you travel prepared, though, you’ll have a happy trip.

    Road Games

    is a huge variety of games, kids can play while on the road. From
    trying to find license plates from each state, to singing road trip
    songs, these classic games can be played with little to no money. If you
    visit your local bookstore, you can find a section of books that have
    all of these games in them already. However, if you don’t want to spend
    the money on these books, you can create them yourself. Find pictures of
    license plates from different states and collect them together for your
    kids to see, before they hit the road. You can also grab a CD from your
    local library that has all the sing-along songs on it for you to enjoy.


    the bookworm in your family, head to your library or bookstore and
    stock up on books they have always wanted to read. If your kids can read
    without getting car sick, it’s a great time to practice reading skills
    and catch up on books they’re excited about. Make sure these are books
    for fun; let them pick out whatever they want. It is vacation, after


    If you’re OK letting your kids use
    technology on family vacations, let them bring along portable DVD
    players or game centers. This can keep them occupied and not fighting
    for hours. However, put a time limit on any technology they use. Nothing
    is more annoying than trying to talk to your kids, while they are busy
    texting on their phones or playing games. Maybe allow them to use the
    technology between certain stops, but no more. Also, be sure you have a
    rule that, during meals, they cannot use their devices. Family vacation
    time is time for the family to spend together, not on their separate


    Food is the best way to keep kids happy.
    Children often get hungry before adults do, so keeping several options
    for snacks on hand can help, keep your kids calm and full. This can also
    help you save money while on the road by making it, so you don’t have
    to stop at rest stops or restaurants, where you’re sure to spend a lot
    of money.

    Sleepy Time

    Vacations are time to rest up, so
    let your kids sleep during the car ride if they are able. Bring along
    pillows and blankets and even some favorite stuffed animals and calming
    music and let them cuddle up in the back seat - as long as they are
    still wearing their seat belts, of course! This will not only keep them
    quiet, but also prevent them from getting crabby due to exhaustion.
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