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  Do Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5231
تاريخ الميلاد : 01/12/1970
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2009
العمر : 53

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مُساهمةموضوع: Do Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain    Do Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 23, 2011 2:42 pm

 Do Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain 563131-45230-17

your body could get addicted to tobacco, alcohol and drugs, then why
not food? Yes, little do we realize that our bodies could get addicted
to food. Your body suffers from addiction regardless of the damage being
done. Find out how it is interrelated with food allergies and weight

A food allergy is hypersensitivity of body towards certain
kinds of food. Since we all have a distinct combination of genes, most
of us are prone to different types of food allergies and that too, in
varying degrees. The symptoms of a food allergy are generally severe
itching, redness, swollen appearance of certain body parts, vomiting,
diarrhea and sneezing. Such foods are treated as harmful foreign bodies
by your immune system and it starts reacting to it. Did you know? Almost
4 million Americans have at least one food allergy.

The most
common causes of food allergies are peanuts, tree nuts, seafood like
squids, shellfish and fish, cow's milk, eggs, wheat, barley and soy
products. While you may not always exhibit epidermal reactions to your
food allergens, chances are you may get bloated without any reasonable
explanation or you may gain a few pounds overnight. If you are
intolerant to such silent allergens, chances are you may also be craving
them just like any other form of addiction. Yes, the body will show
subtle signs of allergy on your weight, but that won't stop it from
craving it. If you still don't buy it, ask people suffering from obesity
about what made them pile on the pounds. In fact, you too are a proof
of this theory.

Are Food Allergies and Weight Gain Related?

your body is allergic to any substance, it starts showing symptoms in
your body like running nose, puffiness in certain parts and even
sneezing. The water content in your body suddenly goes up as the body's
biochemical defense mechanism starts producing and retaining excess
water to flush out the foreign substance causing allergy. Thus, when you
consume certain foods that you are allergic too, even unknowingly, a
certain body organ may suddenly seem puffy or bloated than usual like
your face, belly, arms, thighs or feet.

Due to increase in the
percentage of water in your body, you pack up a couple of pounds
suddenly. However, the good news over here is that this is only water
weight and easy to get rid off. But here is a catch, if you let your
food cravings control you and consume food, that you are allergic to,
more than once, you calorie intake will increase and surplus of it will
increase the percentage of fat in your body. Hence, obese people are
many pounds away from the normal body weight and by a massive
difference. This may also be why it is so hard for you to stay committed
to your diet and target weight loss or even prevent weight gain. The
most common allergy causing foods in Americans are high in fat content
and calorific value. Certain types of protein fragments in food mix in
to the blood and cause allergic reactions. Whole grains, an integral
ingredient of the ham-burger culture that contains 12 to 17% protein, is
the one of the food allergens that most Americans are allergic to.
Sadly, one or more of these foods are consumed on a regular basis
amongst them. So, you may now blame food allergies causing weight gain
in Americans and explain the reason behind increasing dress sizes.

explanation for food allergies causing weight gain can be that exactly
like a drug addiction, when you eat food that you are allergic to,
certain chemicals called endorphins are secreted by your brain. These
are happy hormones and their effect lasts up to a few minutes. Once the
effect starts receding, your brain craves for the same rush and compels
you to eat more of those certain foods that you are allergic to. This
phenomenon produces food cravings.

Well, here is a deal to help
you avoid food allergies from causing weight gain. You can try out the
elimination diet or the rotation diet. In fact, this also explains why
certain diets work like a charm for some people but not all. An
elimination diet can help you identify the foods that your body may be
allergic to or the culprits of weight gain. It also detoxifies your body
from those food cravings in about a week. You may also get a blood test
done, like an Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody or AL-CAT test, to
ascertain the same. Start with eliminating a certain group of foods for
example grains, seafood or meat one at a time and slowly introducing
them after at least 15 days to observe any changes in your weight. I
would also suggest that before you embark upon any diet, give your body 3
days and let it detoxify.

Do yourself a favor, next time when
you get a sudden craving, avoid those foods completely. You will thank
yourself after noticing your scale within a month.
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Do Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain
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